Part One

origin story part one

At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffeeice cream, and a good paranormal story.  You can read more about our paranormal investigations here.  We have had our own encounter if you want to skip ahead and read A Tale of About Birch Manor. This blog is about how that story came to be.

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(of a ghost) manifest
itself at (a place) regularly.




poignant and evocative;
difficult to ignore or forget.

how it began

A Tale About Birch Manor

What truth lies behind your front door?

Most paranormal investigators will tell you that there is a personal experience or reason past just intrigue that they set out on a quest to prove ghosts not only exist but they inhabit known constructs that they are familiar with. The calling, desire, drive whatever you want to call it, goes past believing and skips right on into exploring the stories of others

why we investigate

Although paranormal investigators often have had experiences with the unexplained many times over, there is usually that one that stands out. That would be the moment they go from experiencing to seeking. Sometimes their quest lands them on sad stories of love or loss. Sometimes it is buried in the grief of a recent death or the history of decades before. Then there are the “other times”. This is when things can go from fun television shows to a real personal danger. It is important that people understand the paranormal world has both sides. Like people, there can be good and evil spirits and/or entities. Just like in nature there exists a balance between darkness and light. The non-visual world falls into that same spectrum.* 


The one constant in an investigator’s life is the undivided attention they give the story behind the haunting. This is the origin story for one person in Sinister Coffee and Creamery. A Tale About Birch Manor has all of the tell tale signs of a ghostly presence and ordinary people grappling with just what to do when there isn’t a clear way to get the events to stop. As interesting as this story is, it pales in comparison to the origins story from the co-owner of Sinister Coffee and Creamery, so stay tuned! Enjoy this story and others like it in the This is my Story section of the blog.

Too scared to sleep? Grab yourself some of high octane Sinister Coffee and read on!! Check out the links below and tell us your ghost story!

Interested in who we are and what we do, visit our about page.


*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.