Unraveling the Mystery of The Bandage Man: Haunting Encounters Along Oregon's Highway 101

At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffee, ice cream, and a good paranormal investigation. You can read more about our investigations here. These are the things that define us, and brought this blog to you! Check out our coffee selections and read on!
The story you are about to read is on the infamous Bandage Man, an Oregon Coast urban legend who is said to wander along highway 101. The Bandage Man tops the ghostly tales of the scenic highway 101 and the paranormal lore of the Oregon Coast. Strap yourself in for this spooky ride and you’ll live to tell the tale aside a campfire, s’mores and the tenacious waves of the Pacific Ocean in the background!

The Haunted History of The Oregon Bandage Man

Welcome, fellow spooky enthusiasts and adventurers, to the eerie realms of the Oregon Coast, where the misty shores hold secrets whispered by the waves and shadows dance in the moonlight. For those of you lucky enough to experience this dynamic captivating coastline, you know the intrigue of untapped explorations awaiting you at every visit. Or do you really? Among the tales that linger in the coastal fog, few are as chilling and enigmatic as that of The Bandage Man—a spectral entity said to haunt the winding roads of Oregon’s infamous Highway 101, leaving a trail of fear and mystery in its wake.


Legend has it that The Bandage Man is a restless spirit, forever bound to the rugged coastline after meeting a tragic end. Witnesses describe him as a figure draped in tattered bandages, his presence accompanied by an unsettling feeling of decay and despair. From the depths of the mist, he emerges without notice, lurking along the roadside, a harbinger of doom to those who dare to venture too close.


Countless travelers have reported eerie encounters with The Bandage Man while journeying along Highway 101 near Cannon Beach. Some claim to have seen his spectral form looming in the darkness, while others speak of sudden gusts of icy wind and inexplicable chills creeping down their spines. Yet, perhaps most disturbing are the accounts of those who claim to have felt his cold, clammy touch, leaving them shaken to their core.

Who IS the Bandage Man

But who, or what, is The Bandage Man? Some speculate that he is the ghost of a logger who met a grisly end in a logging accident along the coast. Others believe him to be a lost soul, forever searching for redemption in the shadows of the Oregon wilderness. Still others, paranormal investigators looking for answers on a cold rainy dimly lit night, walked away with more questions than answers, more spine tingling dialogue and imagery than the silent solace the Pacific ocean had to offer that spring night. Whatever his origins may be, one thing remains certain: The Bandage Man is a force to be reckoned with, a spectral enigma that defies explanation.


For those brave enough to embark on their own adventure along Highway 101, the legend of The Bandage Man awaits, shrouded in mystery and waiting to be unravelled. Keep your wits about you, and may the spirits of the Oregon Coast watch over you as you delve into the vast world of the supernatural looking for glimpses and hoping for sightings of the Oregon Bandage Man.

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Do You Have A Story To Tell?


*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.

SLS Camera and Ghost Hunting

At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffeeice cream, and a good paranormal investigation.  You can read more about our investigations here. Read Origins Part Two to get the behind the investigation scoop. Today's topic is SLS Cameras. How do SLS cameras work? Is there a connection between SLS cameras and ghosts? Get ready for an insight into one of the paranormal world’s newest assets when communicating with spirits.

The Non-Visible World

James using the SLS

The newest addition to the Sinister Coffee and Creamery ghost hunting arsenal is the highly coveted SLS Camera. Due to it’s recent climb into the forefront of ghost hunting technology, there are conflicting theories and feelings around the use of the SLS camera in paranormal research. The SLS camera works differently than other ghost hunting technology we have discussed to date. The SLS camera, uses technology built into the Kinect system to “map” non-visible movement. Without further ado, this is the SLS camera.

What Is An SLS Camera

Structured Light Sensor(SLS) cameras work by projecting invisible infrared laser grids over a wide field of view. The camera’s sensors calculate the distance between the infrared dots to build a 3 dimensional model of it’s visible field. These cameras are different from typical cameras in that light and color are none factors in what you will see displayed, changes in movement is what the SLS is made to track as this technology was made originally for the X-box Kinect. Movement in the camera’s visible field is recognized as breaks in the grid. Many SLS cameras are sold as a system which includes a Windows tablet, audio equipment, infrared recording and screen capture software, and a handheld or docking station for stability.

SLS and the Paranormal

The SLS, was invented by renowned engineer Bill Chapel and uses Kinect gaming technology. This technology measures both changes in movement and the mapping of “human” forms for Kinect based games so that you can use your body to make moves in a game. Many people reported that the Kinect started mapping “phantom” figures, or figures that weren’t actually in the room. Some people reported that those figures even started being active participants in the games. Although this has been brushed off as a glitch in the system for gaming, the question of what the Kinect was actually mapping has been of interest in the paranmoral world. This technology has been repurposed to capture possible non-visible changes in movement.

Sinister and SLS Camera

The SLS Camera so far has been taken out on two investigations, one at night, one during the day, and we have been busy trying to interpret the recordings at each investigation respectively. As with all paranormal investigations, it is important to spend time debunking and or trying to find the rational explanation for things that occur out of the “ordinary”. During the day and night investigations, the SLS seemed to “pick” certain headstones to map out human type figures over the top of. Those are similarities in our footage that both occurred during the day and night investigations. When we first turned on the SLS camera, we were able to get what is termed an intelligent response. We mapped a human shaped figure by our front door, that when asked to wave as an acknowledgment of our questions, waved. This form of communication hasn’t been duplicated in a formal investigation setting to date.

Modern Ghost Hunting Tech

Garry Galka and Bill Chapel are two of the more well known engineers propelling ITC research forward for next generation ghost hunters, but they are not alone with an increasing amount of engineers and inventors trying out different technologies. The story below is one of many that brings collaboration to the ghost hunting community.

‘’On the screen I noticed a small figure the size of a child. The figure seemed to be limping, and when I waved the little figure waved back,” Mr Lewis said.
— abc.net.au

Graham Lewis is an electrical engineer that captured this SLS footage at Quarantine Station in Sydney. He shared the footage with a medium who concluded that it was evidence of a former worker’s son who walked with a limp and was rumored to haunt the station. The SLS Camera is among other ghost hunting tech that this ghost hunter/engineer continues to modify in an attempt to hone in on newer better ways to find paranormal evidence.

Keepin It Spooky

Staying up late is no problem with our Specter coffee. It won’t give you any medium like abilities but it will help you stay alert when prowling the night for paranormal activity.

Ghost Hunting Equipment

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*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.

Resource Links

SLS and the Paranormal

Using X-box Technology

What is an SLS Camera