The Wolf Creek Inn Files: True Hauntings of Oregon

Sinister Paranormal Investigations

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There is more than meets the eye at the historic Wolf Creek Inn. A haunted Oregon location, learn what gives the Wolf Creek Inn it's haunted reputation. Are there ghosts at the Wolf Creek Inn? Get ready to find out!

The Haunted Wolf Creek Inn


What many don’t realize about this quaint creaky inn, is the very deep history that it possesses. An old stage coach stopover, an Indian murder, a vampire myth, a celebrity hideaway, and a possible portal; this inn has all of it. When you wonder exactly what makes a place haunted, it’s important to consider that not all places are haunted. Hauntings that have been documented are typically connected to extreme or tragic acts that happened at a location or are connected to it in some way. In our opinion, the Wolf Creek in fits that bill, and thus was more than worthy of a November 13, 2020 investigation.

History Of The Wolf Creek Inn


The Wolf Creek Inn, like many haunted locations, has a past that is still felt in the present. The Wolf Creek Inn was built along the Applegate Trail in 1883. It is the oldest continuously operating inn in the Pacific Northwest. A stop over for early stagecoach travelers heading north on the Applegate trail, the parlors were frequented and still remain true to the original furnishings. President Rutherford B. Hayes, John Wayne, Orson Wells, Mary Pickford, Sinclair Lewis, and Clark Gable are famous historical figures who have stayed at the Wolf Creek Inn. It is where author Jack London completed his novel Valley of the Moon.

Wolf Creek Inn Ghosts


Mediums from the Pioneer Saloon in Nevada in 1918 investigated the Wolf Creek Inn coming to the conclusion that something “really heavy” was going on. People spending the night, inn staff, paranormal investigators and mediums have all experienced paranormal phenomenon inside the Wolf Creek Inn. In particular, Jack London apparitions, a lady in the parlor and some sort of vampire spirit have all been reported. With this vibrant of a history, is the Wolf Creek Inn haunted? Watch the video, visit the Inn and you can decide.

A Friday the 13th Encounter


Recently, in the midst of COVID-19, the safety precautions and lock-downs opened up briefly for a Friday the 13th investigation of the Wolf Creek Inn. Our group spent the night renting several rooms at the Wolf Creek Inn including rooms 9, 8, 7 and 3. After meeting up beforehand to discuss plans for the night and eating Mexican food at a local eatery we masked up, and started our investigation. The night started out with a dowsing rod session, leading us to the Clark Gable suite. Later, there was some discussion about whether the dowsing rods were pointing us to the “Ladies Parlor” and the gift shop respectively, but at the time we followed our lead to the Clark Gable suite.

Wolf Creek Inn Paranormal Investigation


The evidence collected was mostly found after video, EVP, and spirit box sessions were reviewed. Most notable evidence was what appeared to be an orb that followed a ball that was being moved around the room. There was a sound disturbance in what has previously been identified by Ghost Adventures as a possible portal. There also were direct digital responses to questions in the Clark Gable suite EVP sessions.

EVP recordings & Spirit box investigation at the Wolf Creek Inn

Spirit Box

The SB7 Spirit Box accesses communication with spirit through radio wave frequencies.

While ghost app’s are used frequently in our investigations, the communication through these devices during the Clark Gable suite EVP and spirit box sessions gave us some convincing direct communication. During the Ovilus sessions the name Carol was dropped, which happened to be Clark Gable’s late wife. The video of this investigation will be available for viewing below.

Wolf Creek Inn: A Haunting Experience with Sinister Coffee and Creamery, Supernatural Investigations Unit and Ghosts and Girls Paranormal

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Do You Have A Story To Tell?

*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.