The REM POD Report: Unlocking the Spirit World in Portland and Beyond

At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffeeice cream, and a good paranormal investigation.  You can read more about our investigations here.  Read Origins Part Two to get the behind the investigation scoop.  Today's topic is REM Pods. Get ready for an insight into one of the paranormal world’s investigative tools for exploring ghost phenomenon.

Read about REM Pods for ghost hunting. REM Pods are used in investigations along with other paranormal investigation equipment referenced in this paranormal blog.

REM Pod Definition

Standard in Ghost Hunting

Up your ghost hunting game with the REM-POD. A stationary device that uses sound and light.

The REM Pod is a small, compact device considered to be an essential items in the world of paranormal detection equipment. REM stands for Radiating Electro-Magneticity.  A REM Pod has an antenna that covers a range of 360 degrees, it detects disturbances and changes in the area surrounding it. The REM Pod radiates an electro-magnetic field said to create energy for spirits to communicate through. The REM pod uses sound and colored lights to set off alarms for the ghost hunter.

REM Pod History

The Rem Pod was created originally for the Ghost Adventure team, but has since entered into mainstream investigations. It was created by Gary Galka, who lost one of his daughters in a tragic car accident. Galka, an application engineer, first created the Mel8704r meter which is a handheld device similar to a REM Pod.

REM Pod and Paranormal Investigations

The Electro-magnetic field around the REM pod is affected by anything that conducts electricity including the human body. When energy enters the REM Pod’s field it alerts the user through noise and lights. It’s suggested that this is a starting point for spirit communication. Starting a digital recording at that point can yield some good results. Different lights glow on the REM Pod at varying rates. This response is dependent on the level of energy generated by spirits or energy in the area. Setting up the REM Pod in an area that has been known to have had ghost sightings or noticeably energy or temperature shifts is a good use of this device.

Capturing activity


RED POD PRO Series and REM Pod with Temperature Detection are now available for paranormal investigator’s use. The best evidence we captured during a investigation came from an old abandoned cemetery. You can read about that investigation on our blog Haunted Lafayette Cemetary. The activity can also be seen on Supernatural Investigations Unit Episode: Friday 13 Amazing REM Pod Responses. It is important to note that during our investigations we have become aware that our walkies used by our team to communicate, gave interference and false activity, so be aware of the other equipment around you when using your device.

More Ghost Investigation Equipment

Staying up late is no problem with our Clairvoyant coffee. It won’t give you any medium like abilities but it will help you stay alert when prowling the night for paranormal activity. Interested in other paranormal investigation tools? Visit our investigations link or click on the buttons below to read more.

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*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.